Saturday, October 24, 2009

You Can't Always Get What You Want

But if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need.

Such a simple statement. But such a difficult concept to deal with. We are human. We want it all, and we want it now. But step back, look at what you have instead of what you don't have. I promise you that your perspective on life will change and you will be happier with your new-found optimism. Its October, its freezing outside, but I have a house to live in, a bed to sleep in, food, water, and friends that care about me. I have no right to complain over anything. We need to learn to be happy with what we have already because if you can't be happy as a poor man you will never be happy as a rich man. You may FEEL happy temporarily. But the most important things in life are the relationships we build with each other and how we treat others. You may not believe me but one day you will. That's it for today. Goodbye to the 2 people that will actually read this. lol

Monday, August 3, 2009

Can't You Trip Like I Do-

Never do we question the changes in the world around us. We accept them at inevitable. What a sad world we live in where we do so much harm but at the same time we validate ourselves with the rationalizations of others around us. The human spirit has so much potential but instead we CHOOSE to limit ourselves to our comfort zones. If we could somehow step outside of our self- manufactured psychological holding cells we could accomplish anything. But I will just sit here and write about it instead of doing anything about it. Isn't that what kid's do these days?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Tomorrow never comes. Because once tomorrow begins, it becomes today.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fear and Loathing in Salt Lake

Why is it that when I go to the doctor, they never really want to solve my problem...They seem to be drawn (probably by money) to writing prescription after prescription of drugs that we really don't know much about....Think about it...Viagra...a medication that came out within the past decade or so.....we have no idea long term effects of these new "FDA" approved drugs. If you actually look at the studies done on the medications you take every day, you would be very surprised to know how little research has been done on many of them.

The best examples are Phen-Fen and Vioxx. Those medications killed people because of the lack of long term studies on those medications. The doctors get money to write us these prescriptions that are bandages to problems. They give us Vicodin or Xanax or some other masking medication to just make us feel better for the time being. In the long run it honestly just makes it much worse.

I fell victim this myself when I was in high school and I was given Lortab for pain when it wasn't necessary. It led to me becoming a dope fiend and ruining my life. We need to start some sort of legal proposition against overprescribing or something. Or maybe I'll just sit on my butt and do nothing like always.

Screw the FDA

Sunday, June 28, 2009


why do we continue to do wrong when we know its wrong?
why do we still expect different results with the same actions?
why do we never change?
why are we the ones that are supposed to change? why cant society change?
why does everything seem to be backwards?
why are all the good things in life looked down on whey the bad things are glamorized?

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Weekly Rant

Michael Jackson was a brilliant pop song-writer and performer. That doesn't make him a saint. I can't stand how our media is so afraid to offend or draw away watchers that if Charles Manson died they would probably say that he was a very "Charming" man with a "little problem". They are so afraid to bring up all of the weirdness and strange accusations that have been thrown on him for the past 25 years or so. Sure you have people out there that think that he was just a very friendly human being that liked kids...a lot...But there's no excuse for a grown man to sleep in the same bed as a child not belonging to him. A lot of people don't know this but Michael Jackson owned the rights to all of the Beatles original recordings because he outbid Paul McCartney and Yoko Ono in their attempts to keep their own songs. So hopefully Paul, Yoko, Ringo, and the Harrison estate can get all their original recordings back because Michael has been using Beatles songs wherever he feels like. That really pissed me off. By the way, I heard a version of "Across the Universe" by the Beatles that was really neat. Its the version on the Past Masters 2 album which also has some of the better non-album stuff like "Rain", "The Inner Light", "Hey Jude", and of course others. And why the hell are we still freakin' out over the swine flu? Isn't Obama supposed to fix everything? ..............
I decided not to review the library albums individually because it would take too long. If I am going to review something it is going to be done in full without missing anything, so I don't have the time. I do have time to pick an album of the week to review each week to release on Sunday or Monday. So keep checkin back if you even care....

Friday, June 19, 2009

While at the library this week, I decided to key in on the music section. I picked up 11 albums and I will be reviewing all of them. The album's are as follows :

1. Coldplay - Parachutes
2. The Best of the Jefferson Airplane
3. Blur - Parkway
4. Bjork - Homogenic
5. Nine Inch Nails - Ghosts I-IV
6. Puscifer - V is for Vagina
7. Fatboy Slim - Greatest Hits
8. Coldplay - X & Y
9. The Flaming Lips - Hit to Death in the Future Head
10. Filter - The Very Best Things 1995-2008
11. Paramore - Riot

I guess I was in quit the alt-rock mood at the time...
anyway, I will let ya'll know what I think about them.


Monday, June 15, 2009

The Beginning of the Middle of the End of my Life

Another thought I had today:

A few years ago I was sitting on the couch watching television with my sister when I landed on a new show that I was not familiar with. The first thing I see is a male figure all in black with a baseball cap on. He is standing at the end of a long hall in a High School. It's dark. I then see two other people; a cheerleader and this guy that is seeming to keep the man in dark from the cheerleader. The next thing I see is the man in black lift up his hand and suddenly the lockers start flying off the walls at the cheerleader and her "friend". The "friend" of the cheerleader tells her to run as far away as possible while he attempts to fend off the man in black. He fails and the man in black pursues the cheerleader into the women's locker room where he sees a different cheerleader getting ready for the big homecoming game. Without warning, you see the man in black somehow pinning her up against the lockers without even laying a finger on her. The original cheerleader tries to be brave and pull him away from the other cheerleader but the man in black throws her back with such force that it busted up the whole wall, but curiously, this cheerleader was uninjured. With Cheerleader #1 out of the picture for him, he can concentrate on what he came for(so he thinks..). Suddenly, the man in black points to the top of her head and with blood pouring down her face he slowly saws the top of her head off using nothing but the point of his finger.

At the time, it was awe-inspiring and it even got better. Of course I am talking about the NBC show "Heroes". The man in black turned out to be Sylar, an extremely powerful individual with the ability to steal powers/abilities from others by killing them. The cheerleader turns out to be Claire Bennett, who no matter how hard she tries, she cannot die. Her body mearly regenerates. And the friend that was trying to save her is Peter Petrelli, the badest-ass off them all. Peter has the abilities to absorb powers/abilities just by being the the vicinity of other people with powers. There of course are many others with abilities and powers and they all share this common bond. But the comic-esqe style and real human emotion qualities are the reason I became a fan.

The reason this show has been on my mind lately is because I have been extremely unhappy with the writing on the show. The first season is one of the best seasons of any show ever, honestly. With the anticipation of the second season came great excitement, but something happened...they started going off on strange tangents trying to introduce new people with garbage abilities and making the characters with amazing abilities lose them or have them modified or something. It didn't help that the writers strike happened during that second season and so I guess I can kind of understand what they were dealing with.

The third season was very average. At times it had its good points, but as a whole it just made it way more confusing than it should be. The fourth season, which is the most recent, showed some signs of promise and I hope when the fifth season comes out they go back to the original story that made the show a legend. The season finale of the fourth season was the best episode since season one.

Heroes is a show for everybody that has ever been felt left out or alone. Its a show that we all have greatness inside of us in one form or another. Heroes gives hope for average people like me that we may make something out of our lives someday. But most importantly, it shows us that our talents and abilities are gifts that we should be grateful for and we should not take them for granted.

As for now...I'll stick to reruns of Lost and Planet Earth...

Good Day

Sunday, June 14, 2009


As I sit here and watch the exponential degredation of our society a few things come into mind.

-Are we so far gone to see what's happening to our country right now?
-Are we still so infatuated with Obama's idea's of change that we don't realize that slowly the government is gaining more and more control everyday through the acquisitions of AIG, GM, etc.?
-Is socialism appearing in the Horizon?
-Would North Korea even have a nuclear program if Kim Jong Il was 2 feet taller? Maybe then the little-man syndrome would be slightly more contained
-Isn't it amazing that the Rolling Stones are still together?
-Are we going to just play the "Switzerland" roll and do nothing?
-This isn't the change that you promised Mr. Obama...
-How does he plan on devising a universal health care program? This has been an issue for a long time and everytime it gets brought up it is instantly shot down because of the magnitude of a change like that.

Those are my random rants for now,
Good day

Monday, January 12, 2009

The beginning of a mistake.