Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fear and Loathing in Salt Lake

Why is it that when I go to the doctor, they never really want to solve my problem...They seem to be drawn (probably by money) to writing prescription after prescription of drugs that we really don't know much about....Think about it...Viagra...a medication that came out within the past decade or so.....we have no idea long term effects of these new "FDA" approved drugs. If you actually look at the studies done on the medications you take every day, you would be very surprised to know how little research has been done on many of them.

The best examples are Phen-Fen and Vioxx. Those medications killed people because of the lack of long term studies on those medications. The doctors get money to write us these prescriptions that are bandages to problems. They give us Vicodin or Xanax or some other masking medication to just make us feel better for the time being. In the long run it honestly just makes it much worse.

I fell victim this myself when I was in high school and I was given Lortab for pain when it wasn't necessary. It led to me becoming a dope fiend and ruining my life. We need to start some sort of legal proposition against overprescribing or something. Or maybe I'll just sit on my butt and do nothing like always.

Screw the FDA

1 comment:

  1. Add cymbalta to that list of newer drugs that is over prescribed. That stuff sucked!!! I felt like crap on it & they just keep upping the dose, making it worse & worse. I finally weened myself off of it, that was a rough couple of weeks! Keep doing good & let me know if you need anything. Love you!! Amanda
