Sunday, June 14, 2009


As I sit here and watch the exponential degredation of our society a few things come into mind.

-Are we so far gone to see what's happening to our country right now?
-Are we still so infatuated with Obama's idea's of change that we don't realize that slowly the government is gaining more and more control everyday through the acquisitions of AIG, GM, etc.?
-Is socialism appearing in the Horizon?
-Would North Korea even have a nuclear program if Kim Jong Il was 2 feet taller? Maybe then the little-man syndrome would be slightly more contained
-Isn't it amazing that the Rolling Stones are still together?
-Are we going to just play the "Switzerland" roll and do nothing?
-This isn't the change that you promised Mr. Obama...
-How does he plan on devising a universal health care program? This has been an issue for a long time and everytime it gets brought up it is instantly shot down because of the magnitude of a change like that.

Those are my random rants for now,
Good day


  1. Don't blame me, I voted for Ron Paul.

  2. Don't focus too much on the negative Adam, you'll never see the positive (there is light in this world, sometimes it just gets shadowed a bit much by the darkness ;)

    Light chases away the darkness, not the other way around.


  3. Don't worry Ad! I know you're a positive person and I liked this post. It's totally you, your satirical humor is what we love about you bro!

    PS "little man syndrome"??? haha oh that one made me really laugh! (I pictured you saying that with your little half grin you have when you say something clever and funny!)

  4. Sorry Adam, I wasn't implying that you are a negative person. It's more a reflection of how I felt after Obama and several local (Washington) politicians were elected last January - for months all I could focus on was the negative surrounding ever story in the news leaving me angry and frustrated at the present and the future - your rant expressed some of the same sentiments I felt at the time, hence my comments.
    - cs
